Eros cries, and in the glistening of his tears, the dark sides of love appear. For their brand-new production Le lacrime di Eros, theatre-maker Romeo Castellucci and conductor Raphaël Pichon go back to the roots of opera.
They draw inspiration from the creativity and experimental freedom that reigned in Florence in the late 16th and early 17th centuries to explore the subject that has long been central to opera: love.
Musical direction, concept, arrangements, Raphaël Pichon
Stage direction, concept, set, costume and lighting, Romeo Castellucci
Dramaturgy, Piersandra di Matteo
Sound, Rémy Bréan
Singers, Mariana Flores, Huw Montague Rendall, Nahuel di Pierro, Lucile Richardot, Zachary Wilder
Orchestra and choir, Pygmalion
​2022 January 20th, 22nd, 24th, 26th, 28th, 30th
Amsterdam - Dutch national opera